|Rape - a reply... Ok Mate, I've done a few amendments and one or two corrections but I don't feel qualified to correct many of the assertions. A couple of observations come to mind. 1. Rape is Intercourse without consent. Therefore; if the wife "gives in", according to the law(as I understand it) rape has not occured. If she refuses sex and you still go ahead; that is rape. Current interpretation of the law(rightly or wrongly) does not allow for "giving in". 2. The theme which runs through the terrible problem of rape is that atlthough it manifests in sexual violence, Rape is not sexually motivated. The man who commits rape is doing it not because he hasn't had his end away for a long while. He does it because he fears women and moreover is usually a poor excuse for a male anyway. The theme here is domination. Males have used it throughout history to dominate other males and females. Think of it this way; in the normal course of events, the nicest thing you can enjoy with a female( or if you're AC/DC-another male) is to have mutually enjoyable sex. It's part of the human experience; the reward being orgasm. Why then do we often say, usually in anger or at best in derogation, "Fuck you" or "Get Fucked?" "Screw you?" etc. It's all to do with domination, since the sex act (Once) placed females in peril. You may also observe Ape males, of which we are a different type, mount each other in power struggle. Beta males will often masturbate the Alpha male to calm him down; to de-escalate his anger. Clearly in Primate communities(of which we are one) sex equates to power and politics. Rape in Human society is a part extension of that activity. But it is domination by Inadequate males with no other means of social interaction. If this were not so; how else could one explain the extreme violence often perpetrated on females. Excluding that which happens when a woman resists(and it may be considerable) the extent of violence can not be explained in a purely sexually motivated crime? In short; if you get your end; why beat the shit out of her? Therefore; to castrate a rapist may be efficacious in stopping his "ability" to rape but his capacity to harm or "dominate" hapless females remains undiminished. Perhaps there is something in the old adage"Castration's too good for 'em"? Since as sentient beings we are aware of our inbuilt behaviour; if rape is a concionable act, should we not be able to control such urges? Well generaly, being altruistic is what allowed us to gain the evolutionary ground from the Apes we view in the zoo. Contrary to popular belief, we are not the only one's that Murder. Chimps in the wild do it for the fun of it. Rape seems frequent. Hapless Orang Utan females despite their age "appear" to have no understanding of the sex act. The male almost always pins them, against their will, and enters the female. It's worth noting that the females nearly always,"understand" what is then happening and struggle no longer. Is there some vestige of this which makes human males enjoy the lie that a woman doesn't mean NO when she say's NO? Our literature is ful of mythological rape, actual rape and recurrent rape. Recent books and films have depicted rape as once perpetrated the female will succumb to pleasurable feelings and enjoy it. There are even some creeps who hold the fantasy that secretly ALL women want to be raped! (The fact that maybe some women do fantasise about Rape is not the issue-it is their fantasy and usually private. To fantasise about it does not mean that they encourage it) To return to the main issue; all a woman has to do is to prove is that when intercourse occured she had not given consent. Signs of violence are not necessary, since the act and the time between reporting it may be considerable. Recent developments have shown the committal to trialof rape to be fraught with danger. The recent case involving Craig Charles of RED DWarf is a case in point. Apparently, and according to the law, he didn't rape his girlfriend. He was still splashed over every paper and TV newsreel in the country. Was he not entitled to anonimity until proven guilty? Well that's another issue. Well that's it. Quick and dirty. hope its of some value Bonny lad.......